There are many things you should avoid doing to your skin, while it may be hard to stop some of these habits, it can help you improve your skin and reduce future issues once and for all. There are several common bad habits that will leave your skin looking not so perfect and flawless. So, if you have trouble with your skin, it may not be your skin that is a problem, it might be you. Here are the worse things you can be doing to your skin.
Your skin cannot take too much of a good thing, especially when it comes to exfoliating. Over-exfoliating your skin can strip it of necessary oils it needs to maintain your natural glow. Exfoliate your skin once a week to keep it heathy. Luminous Exfolia by Coverderm is an excellent exfoliate.
Coffee opens the door to several skin problems. Caffeine can dehydrate skin, magnifying the appearance of fine lines. If too much caffeine is interrupting your sleep, the effects will show on your skin.
Nicotine reduces blood flow to your skin, which means it does not get enough oxygen and nutrients. The chemicals in tobacco damage the collagen and elastin that give your skin structure. A smoker’s skin is thin, dull, more wrinkled, and less able to heal.
Picking, scratching, squeezing and popping
Picking your skin will increase inflammation and may lead to permanent scarring. Scratching increases the sensitivity of your nerve endings and cause your skin to feel more itchy. Popping your acne causes more damage leading to scarring.
Using Same products Year-Round
When you use the same skin care products throughout the entire year, you will not be targeting your skins needs the best you can. This will certainly lead to your skin looking dull throughout the year.
Alcohol is a diuretic, which means that every sip you take, you are drying your skin out, which is not good. Excessive amounts of alcohol, can leads to signs of premature aging, including fine lines and wrinkles. It also leaves your skin looking dull and pale.
Now that we know some of the worst things you can do to your skin, hopefully, you know how to better care for it! Coverderm has a wide range of skincare products that suits the needs of your skin, give it a try for that radiant look.